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SGM Dismissal Parking 2024-2025

1. 2:00 PM - Gate at Ballas entrance will open. Cars may go around back of school to prevent overflow onto Ballas.

2. 2:30 PM - Gate entering teacher’s lot will open. Cars may enter main school parking lot from teacher’s lot.

3. Please see diagram* for order of line up.
   a. Lanes 1, 2 and 3 face the church (green lines)
   b. Lanes 4, 5, and 6 face Dougherty Ferry (red, yellow and blue lines)
   c. Lane 7 faces church. Please only go half-way down
   d. Overflow cars go onto east lot and around back of school. If you end up on the east lot or around back, please walk up to greet your carpool or wait until dismissal and pick up at the stage.

4. Please note preschool dismisses at 3:00 PM. Please be aware of small children when parking after 3:00 PM.

5. Dismissal from lot begins after whistle in order of rows (see diagram).

Parking for SGM Dismissal PDF version

*Diagram below. 

Parking Diagram